Thursday, March 29, 2012

Simple. Delicious. Affordable Recipes

Simple, affordable, delicious, and always made with real foods: all the recipes on our website are vegan and call only for unrefined or minimally refined foods.

Can we eat a great variety of deliciously prepared real foods, spending as little as $300 per month for a family of 4, and cook only three days a week? One of the goals of this blog is to help you accomplish this.

To save money and time preparing a hot breakfast, oatmeal is a great choice. Oatmeal comes in many forms. The most complete is whole oat groats. When whole oat groats are minimally processed into several small pieces, the result is steel cut oats. Oat groats and steel cut oats are generally cheaper and are less processed than other types of oat cereals. They take longer to cook so many people avoid them. We have solved the time issue for ourselves by cooking a big pot in the evening and storing individual portions in the refrigerator.

Oat groats and steel cut oats make more oatmeal, because they absorb more water then processed oats. For example, quick cooking oats call for 2 cups of water per 1 cup of quick oats. Whole oat, and steel cut oat directions generally call for 4 cups of water per 1 cup of groats, so you get twice as much cereal for the money. If you prefer a creamier texture, try adding up to 1 extra cup of cold water after your grout or steel cut oats come to a boil. Continue to cook as usually, stirring occasionally. You’ll get a creamier cereal and a greater volume of cooked oats.

We will be adding recipes and food ideas from readers to our blog and welcome your recipes and comments that follow the guidelines below:

   Plant based ingredients (no animal products)
   Whole grains and flours (still contain the vital edible bran and plant germ)
   Minimally processed sugars (no cane sugar or corn syrup)

For desserts, we prefer recipes that minimize sweeteners and fats and maximize nutrient rich foods. Yes, that is challenging, but worth the results.

Our motto is Real Food, Always(R), which means no artificial sweeteners, colors, additives, or fats that are altered or processed using high temperatures.

"The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine." - Hippocrates

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